Immigrant Survivor Advocacy

Providing you guidance through legal, immigration, and local government systems


Our Immigrant Advocate offers Language and Cultural Support. This advocate ensures that immigrants can communicate effectively and receive help that respects their cultural background and specific needs.


Even though advocates are not attorneys, the immigrant advocate can support immigrants with basic legal questions regarding family law and protection orders. The advocate also helps immigrants understand their legal rights, and connect them with immigration attorneys when needed.

Resource and Referral Services: Connect immigrants with essential services such as housing, healthcare, and financial assistance, and refer them to community organizations that specialize in supporting immigrant populations.
Immigrant Survivor Advocacy


Can the DAWN advocate help me with my ongoing Asylum Case?

Unfortunately no. The DAWN immigrant advocate is trained in identifying potential cases that could result in a U-Visa, T-Visa or VAWA petition. SInce the advocate is not a lawyer, the advocate will help connect with NWIRP but is not able to establish any outcome for any case.

DAWN can refer DV survivors who may potentially have a pathway to immigration relief.

While our immigration advocate is bilingual in English and Spanish, they can support immigrants from all over the world through access to interpretation services and partnerships with different multicultural organizations throughout King County.

What is VAWA Self Petition?

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is a federal law that allows certain non-citizens who have experienced abuse to apply for immigration status. Victims may be eligible for a Green Card, employment authorization, and access to public benefits.

More info here,An%20LPR%20parent

What is a U-Visa?

A T-Visa is for victims of severe forms of human trafficking to be provided relief under U.S. immigration law by the Victims of Trafficking in Persons (T) nonimmigrant visa. This status allows victims of human trafficking to remain in the United States to assist in investigations or prosecutions of human trafficking violators.

More info here,prosecutions%20of%20human%20trafficking%20violators

What is a T-Visa?

A T-Visa is for victims of severe forms of human trafficking to be provided relief under U.S. immigration law by the Victims of Trafficking in Persons (T) nonimmigrant visa. This status allows victims of human trafficking to remain in the United States to assist in investigations or prosecutions of human trafficking violators.

More info here,prosecutions%20of%20human%20trafficking%20violators